International Interoperability, Standardization and Modernization Conference


The ”International Interoperability, Standardization and Modernization Conference - Supporting NATO's Operational, Material Capabilities and Deterrence Principles” was held from 27th to 29th September 2022 in the Conference Room of the Ministry of Defence of the Slovak Republic in Bratislava. 

The event has been designed to promote interoperability and standardization organized in cooperation with SVK Ministry of Defence Armament Department, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic, USA Army NATO Standardization Department and  SVK Defence Standardization, Codification and Government Quality Assurance Authority. 

Members of the NATO EOD COE LTC Alexander HUGYAR and Mr. Vladimir VOSTIAR represented the Centre at the Conference and shared and discussed the Centre´s views and perspectives on the importance of principles within national, multinational and alliance environments and on the development of capabilities supporting interoperability, standardization and increasing modernization efforts. The Conference provided an opportunity for participants to highlight current and future efforts for standardization, interoperability, modernization principles within NATO

Author: Mr. Vladimir VOSTIAR

Photo: Mr. Vladimir VOSTIAR

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