Northern Challenge (NC) Series of Exercises (EXER), Island

NORTHERN CHALLENGE EXER is a Multi-National Bomb Disposal Exercise at the top of Europe which is hosted by Icelandic Coast Guard facility in Keflavik.
The aim of the NC is to train response to real-life terrorist incidents involving improvised and military explosive devices, similar to those that have occurred in recent NATO missions and of those to be expected in future missions. IEDs in a maritime environment have proven to be a serious threat in various mission areas. The exercise area offers opportunity to train joint EOD units (land, air and maritime) on EOD spectra of tasks. Annually, EOD E&T department reinforce the NC EXER by EOD experts working at the Multinational EOD Coordination Cell (MNEOD CC).

ARDENT DEFENDER Series of Exercises, Canada

ARDENT DEFENDER series of exercises provides an opportunity for EOD and IEDD teams to practice scenarios that enable neutralization and safe disposal of explosive devices and countering the employed threat networks. The exercise is organized annually by the Canadian Armed Forces.
Target audience of the exercise includes Allies, Partner Nations, Global Affairs Canada and Canadian law enforcement agencies.
Unique opportunity if the exercise develops interoperability among military EO mitigation units together with the involved law enforcement EOD squads.