From 01 APR to 12 APR 2019, the NATO Explosive Ordnance Disposal Centre of Excellence (NATO EOD COE) delivered the NATO EOD SOT.
Reflecting the NATO EOD COE Education and Training calendar 2019, the course was organized under the auspices of the NATO EOD COE with assistance of the Subject Matter Experts from NATO member states, United Nations, EOD related industry, Counter Improvised Explosive Devices Centre of Excellence (C-IED COE), and JCBRN Defence COE. The NATO EOD SOT was delivered as a residential course at the Military Garrison House in Trencin, Slovakia.
The overall course curricula was featured by theoretical lectures on Explosive Ordnance (EO) related Risk & Threat management, EOD capabilities and limitations on multinational deployment, as well as by scenario based training on EOD activities in support of multinational operations.
In accordance with the course prerequisites, 16 students were admitted to attend the course from 9 NATO nations and 2 Interoperability Platform counties (1xBEL, 2xHUN, 1x HRV, 3xNDL, 1xLTU, 1xPOL, 1xROU, 1xNOR, 2x SVK, 1xSWE and 2xUKR).
With respect to NATO EOD COE Quality Assurance policy set up procedure for the Education and Individual Training student’s assessment criteria, 15 trainees successfully completed the course criteria, and one student participated at the course.
Text: LTC Alexander Hugyar, SVKA
Photo: SGT Peter Bulko