The 10th NATO ACT C-IED Conference was hosted by the C-IED COE in Madrid, Spain where the NATO EOD COE Subject Matter Experts (SME) MAJ Alexander Hugyar, SVK-A and LTC Augustin Cirjan, ROU-A took part in. The purpose of the 10th NATO C-IED Conference was to find a platform within the NATO nations and C-IED Community of Interest (COI) for ensuring that the common NATO C-IED effort is effective and reflects continuing - significant challenges in the Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) permanent treat to NATO, partners and civil population.
To be efficient in fight with the changes in asymmetric warfare where the IED weapon is having a strategic effect, at the conference not only the NATO Headquarters (HQ) representatives and NATO C-IED countries representatives participated in but as well as several NATO Centres of Excellence where the C-IED area is a joined platform for Attack the Network (AtN), Defeat the Device (DtD) and Prepare the Force (PtF) C-IED pillars.
Author: Major Alexander Hugyar, SVK-A