The 64th EOD Inter-Service Working Group Meeting

Representatives of NATO EOD COE participated in the 64th Explosive Ordnance Disposal Inter-service Working Group (EOD WG) meeting which took place at HMS President in London, United Kingdom from 22nd to 26th of May 2023.

In accordance with the NATO Military Committee Land Standardization Board (MCLSB) direction and priorities for 2023, COL ILLINGWORTH (GBR) - the Chairperson introduced the aim of the meeting and emphasized the importance of the information exchange within EOD community of interest´s as well as the revision of EOD publications and related EOD´s NATO terminology. 

The priorities are to finalize the review of STANAG 2282 - Allied Tactical Publication for Explosive Ordnance Disposal (ATP-3.18.1) and continue with the review of STANAG 2377 - EOD Roles, Responsibilities, Capabilities and Incident Procedure (AEODP-13), STANAG 2370 - IEDD Operations on Multinational Deployments (AEODP-3) and STANAG 2834 - The Operation of the Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technical Information Centre (AEODP-9).

EOD COE members, namely COL CSASZAR, MAJ MRAZIK, CPT BRAUN and Civ. DUDRA, participated in all EOD WG Panels (Doctrine and Philosophy Panel, Information Panel, Maritime Environment Panel, TTP and Standardization Panel) where they brought their perspectives and contribution, especially in the field of Doctrine, Terminology, Education and Individual Training. The Centre as the leader and manager of the EOD-related NATO terminology introduced the achievements and updates of the EOD terminology entries since the last EOD WG. The development of EOD terminology is progressing in accordance with NATO Terminology Program.

The next 65th Explosive Ordnance Disposal Inter-service Working Group meeting is planned on October 2023 in Loutraki, Greece.

Text: MAJ Peter MRAZIK (SVK)
Photos: MAJ Peter MRAZIK (SVK)

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