Bomb Suit Demonstration

The event was hosted by PYRA Company on 27 March 2012 at the Police Academy in Bratislava where 35 participants took part, mostly Bomb technicians and qualified EOD personnel. Mr. Mark O. Milewsky, GARANTS’ general manager introduced to the session attendees the SPS 10a bomb suit model and practically presented the product with all its accessories. Especially to keep the EOD operator in constant body temperature the innovative - passive cooling system equipment is noteworthy and an alternative to other such products. During the event EOD COE D DIR encouraged the participating company authorities to be registered for Demo & Trial 2012 (D&T) exhibition. As a matter of fact the PYRA and GARANT authorities confirmed their registration and building up their D&T stalls. Using the opportunity the Head of the Police BombTech department, COL Juraj Kadecký welcomed the EOD COE representatives and after the demonstration briefed them about the Slovak police BombTech department mission and showed its facilities. At the end of the visit the EOD COE D DIR appreciated the occasion and possible support of the Slovak BombTech Ministry of Interior department during the incoming Ammunition Risk EOD Management Course in Dec 2012. Both of the activities maintained and extended the EOD COE relationship and brought mutual benefits into technology and training area of interest.

Author: CPT Alexander Hugyar
Photo: LTC Jan Kurta (KEU Bratislava)


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