Chiefs of Transformation Conference 2013, Norfolk, USA

On 10 – 12 DEC 2013, the NATO EOD COE Director participated at the Chief of Transformation Conference and the COEs´ Director meeting.

The aim of this event was to address the future Alliance efforts on Smart Defense and Connected Forces Initiatives. The COEs where call on many occasions to play vital role in these future ACT projects, particularly in the field of Individual and Collective Training.
During the event the Director met with the SACT/ACOS JETE – BG Dzintars ROGA, who was assigned as the NATO EOD COE FOGO Champion. The Director informed him on the NATO EOD COE current and future projects. They also discussed and agreed the ACT support to the NATO EOD COE endeavors regarding the EOD Individual Training and Education.

Author: COL Jaroslav Bielený