EOD COE Subject Matter Experts at Slovakia Tech Forum – Expo 2023

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, expertise and innovation often go hand in hand. And when it comes to cutting-edge developments, the presence of Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) is nothing short of invaluable. This year, at the Slovakia Tech Forum – Expo, the main topic was dedicated to the Artificial Intelligence (AI) "AI-Revolution", the EOD COE (Explosive Ordnance Disposal Centre of Excellence) SMEs, LTC Ret. Vladimir VOSTIAR and LTC Ret. Vojtech FUCEK, were stealing the spotlight and representing the role of EOD experts with their knowledge of explosive devices, risk mitigation, and countermeasures.

The EOD plays a critical role in safeguarding society against explosive threats, ranging from improvised explosive devices (IEDs) to landmines. In recent years, EOD has embraced technology as a powerful tool to enhance safety, efficiency, and precision in their tasks. This year's Slovakia Tech Forum - Expo has attracted a diverse array of tech enthusiasts, innovators, and professionals.

EOD COE is keen on how technology can be harnessed to mitigate explosive threats and the growing synergy between EOD expertise and technology innovation. To enrich knowledge and expertise in AI and to open space for further research and AI application in subsequent projects, the EOD COE has already started to develop an open study for the EOD Community of Interests (COIs) to provide them with a comprehensive source of knowledge about progress and possible applicability of AI within the EOD area.

Text: LTC Ret. Vladimír VOŠTIAR (SVK-CIV)

Photo: LTC Ret. Vladimír VOŠTIAR (SVK-CIV)

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