Explosive Ordnance Seminar 2022

Between 24th to 26th May 2022, the Explosive Ordnance Seminar was held in Budva, Monte Negro.

The main aim of this yearly event was to inform the subject matter experts from NATO, UN, and NGOs about the EOD and demining operations, equipment and procedures being applied across the globe to decrease the hazard and threat posed by UXO and IEDs.

The successful event was supported by EOD COE members i.e. LTC Damian Piorko and Civ. Libor Nyéki, by providing the audience with a variety of expertise. Besides this, LTC Piorko acted as a panellist for two-panel discussions about underwater ammunition disposal and EOD training.

Additionally, the main tasks and current projects of EOD COE were introduced to the participants.

The organizers with gratitude appreciated EOD COE‘s involvement and the level of support for the event and expressed hope to keep EOD COE engaged in the next iteration.

Text: LTC Damian PIÓRKO (POL-A)

Photo: Mr Libor NYEKI 

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