From 6 to 8 December 2022 the annual event Information Exchange Seminar 2022 (IES 2022) was held in Ingolstadt, Germany.
The organizer of this event, the NATO Military Engineering (MILENG) Centre of Excellence (COE) defined “Counter Mobility” as a main topic for the IES 2022. This topic was not randomly chosen but is dictated by the current status quo concerning capability gaps across the Alliance. Counter Mobility is one shortfall that was identified by the Conference of National Armament Directors (CNAD).
To support the ideas, the central question for the seminar “In which way can NATO fulfill the requirement to rapidly block, disrupt, fix or turn opposing ground force movements now and in the nearby future?” was discussed during the IES time allocated to directed brainstorm activities under the lead of a Staff Officers from the MILENG COE.
The NATO EOD CEO members Maj Peter Mrazik and Mr. Vladimir Vostiar participated in the IES 2022 and actively during seminar discussions presented the EOD perspectives on the Counter Mobility aspects.
Furthermore, during Saint Nicholas Day all IES 2022 participants got a small gift from St. Nicholas for their performance.
Text, photo: Mr. Vostiar