ISAF EOD Operators Lessons Learned Seminar

The seminar attended more than 50 EOD and IEDD qualified operators and staff officers, from 12 countries (USA, CZE, DEU, GBR, SVK, FRA, PRT, ITA, HUN, ESP, FRA, BEL) and the ACT representative. The main focus of the meeting was sharing the information and experience from the ISAF operation, as the sharing of the information and Lessons Learned on tactical level demands is still crucial. In harmony with seminar objectives the classification of the event was NATO Restricted.

The topics of the seminar were prepared with the intention to avoid the general statements and briefings. It was appreciated that the participants opened the fruitful discussion after the most of the briefings. The next run of the seminar is planned on 25-27 NOV 2014.

Author: 1LT Anton Dobransky