NATO CBRN EOD Incident Management Staff Officer Training
From the 21 to 25 October 2019 the NATO EOD COE organized the NATO CBRN EOD Incident Management Staff Officer Training (CBRN EOD IM SOT) in Trencin and Novaky, Slovakia. The CBRN EOD IM SOT comprised theoretical lessons and practical exercises combined with a live demonstration.
The development and execution of NATO CBRN EOD IM SOT was greatly supported by expertise of instructors from the Slovak CBRN Battalion, the Slovak National Centre for EOD and CBRN, the NATO JCBRN Defence COE the Czech Republic, the Slovak ISEM Institute, the Slovak Engineer Battalion and individual lecturers from academia and a private sector.
In total, 16 students from NATO and non-NATO countries (DEU, CZE, HUN, ITA, NLD, NOR, POL, PRT, ROU, SVK, SWE, USA) attended and, based on the NATO EOD COE Quality Assurance policy, set up procedure for the Education and Individual Training student’s assessment criteria. All the 16 students successfully completed the training.
Photo: CPT Ján BAK, SVKA