In accordance with EOD COE Quality Assurance Plan 2023, a Kick Off Meeting was held on 31st of January in the Centre´s Briefing room. The Director (COL Róbert CSÁSZÁR) assigned to Education & Training Department members the responsibilities of Course Directors (CDs) for courses of year 2023 organized by EOD COE.
COL CSÁSZÁR handed over the authorization letters/certificates to CDs and delegated the competencies to coordinate all tasks relating to training events. During the meeting, the Director emphasized the importance of the CDs´ role in the entire period from preparation through execution and final evaluation/conclusion.
In 2023 EOD COE will deliver overall six iterations of the selected Education & Individual Training plus an ADL course, the Course Directors are:
• NATO EOD Staff Officer Training (SOT) - CPT Robert BRAUN
• Home-Made Explosives Course – Advanced (HMEC-A) - MSGT Stanislav MACURA
• Home-Made Explosives Course – Basic (HMEC-B) – MSGT Stanislav MACURA
• NATO Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear (CBRN) EOD Incident Management Staff Officer Training (IM SOT) - 2LT Katarína LICHVARCIKOVA
The overall quality of the courses are guaranteed not only by internal subject matter experts but also trough close engagement with external military organizations, industry and academia.