Perspective Cooperation With The Latvian Trainning And Doctrine Command

Based on the NATO EOD COE effort to recognize and increase cooperation with the EOD Education and Training Facilities, Director of the NATO EOD COE Colonel Robert CSASZAR invited the Latvian Training and Doctrines Command (TRADOC) representatives  to visit the NATO EOD COE. Upon accepted invitation, LTV TRADOC delegation visited the NATO EOD COE on 20 JUL 2022, at the Military Training Area Lest, Slovakia.

Within the scope of the visit’s agenda, COL Jozsef CSUKA (NATO EOD COE Chief of staff) opened the visit and addressed to LTV TRADOC delegation the NATO EOD COE DIR’s cordial welcome. At the same time, COL Jozsef CSUKA expressed the Centre’s gratitude for an opportunity to initiate cooperation between NATO EOD COE and the LTV TRADOC in the field of EOD.

To be familiar with both of the instructions business model, there were delivered several presentations. In detail, LTC Alexander HUGYAR (NATO EOD COE Head of Education and Training Department) and MAJ Adrian PETER (NATO EOD COE Head of Transformation Support Department) delivered information about the Centre’s  vision, mission and tasks. 

Continuously, MAJ Intars BERZINS (Commander of the LTV TRADOC Combat Support  and  Combat  Service Support Training Centre, CSCSSTC) and  MAJ Andris STUMBRIS (Deputy Commander of LTV TRADOC CSCSSTC) elaborated NATO EOD COE representatives with the LTV EOD capabilities and hierarchy of the LTV EOD proficiency. 

The overall picture about the NATO EOD COE Education and Training capabilities was reinforced by MAJ Marek VLNKA (NATO EOD COE). Using an opportunity of the running Homemade Explosives Course Advanced (HMEC-A), MAJ Vlnka provided participants with a guided tour through the scenarios that have been practiced during the course delivery. 

Concluding the LTV TRADOC delegation visit, common development on both of the institution’s business objectives continues by drafting of the Technical Agreement between the NATO Explosive Ordnance Disposal Centre of Excellence and the Latvian Training and Doctrine Command.


Author: LTC Alexander HUGYAR, SVK A
Photo: EOD COE photo archive

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