The United States Army, in close coordination with the NATO Standardization Office, organised the 27th Counter-Improvised Explosive Devices Working Group (C-IED WG). The meeting was held at the Embassy Suites, Alexandria Old Town, Alexandria, Virginia, USA, from 4 to 8 March 2024.
The meeting was focused on the improvement of standards by NATO Military Committee Land Standardization Board (MCLSB) guidance. At the same time, the event was an excellent opportunity for developing new relations and information sharing. Some of the current C-IED challenges faced by NATO nations, as well as command structures and force structures, were discussed.
MAJ Adrian PETER (ROU-A) and 1LT Michal HOLOVIC (SVK-A) from the Explosive Ordnance Disposal Centre of Excellence (EOD COE) joined the working group and brought their contribution to the Interoperability and Technical Exploitation Panel (ITEP) and the Doctrine and Terminology Panel (DTP). Besides that, 2LT David SLATKOVSKY (SVK-A) delivered an online presentation regarding the EOD COE’s XR/VR Project (ETACS) progress.
The EOD COE is a permanent member of this working group and plays an active role in the C-IED Community of Interest by providing updated information from the EOD field of expertise.
Text: MAJ Adrian PETER (ROU-A)
Photos: MAJ Adrian PETER (ROU-A)