On 4th of June 2018, the outgoing DACOS C2, Deployability and Sustatinability Commodore Arne Morten Groenningsaeter and incoming Brigadier General Dag Rist Aamoth accompanied with their assistants paid a visit to the EOD COE. The ACT FOGO Champion to whom belongs the coordination of the EOD COE, was interested in the achievements of the Centre and ongoing projects. The COE director with department heads provided a full brief with focus on cooperation with other entities, contribution to standardisation through NSO working groups, NATO courses provided by the COE as well as projects sponsored via DAT POW: Integration of the Exoskeleton in the Battlefield, Demonstration and Trials 2018. During the visit the members of EOD COE were convened and outgoing FOGO thanked them for their work recognized and appreciated by the ACT. He also highlighted the current challenges which the ACT is facing and provided guidance to future direction and challenges.
Text: COL Róbert CSÁSZÁR, SVK(A)
Photo: MSGT Peter BULKO, SVK(A)