The Directorate of Joint Force Development (JFD) from the Headquarters Supreme Allied Commander Transformation (HQ SACT), following the Allied Joint Doctrine Plan (AJDCP), organized the Data Fusion Workshop related to AJP-3.8, Allied Joint Doctrine for Comprehensive Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defence, from 11th to 13th of July 2023 in Vyskov, Czech Republic. The host of the event was the Joint Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defence Centre of Excellence (JCBRN Defence COE).
Data fusion is an essential element for Allied joint doctrine development because it is a formal assessment of all available information and guidance submitted by NATO nations and entities regarding the topic. The aim is to ensure that the current document is fit for purpose, or if improvements are required, it is developed in accordance with the Alliance’s current and future needs.
MAJ Adrian PETER (ROU-A), the Head of Transformation Support Department (TSD) at the Explosive Ordnance Disposal Centre of Excellence (EOD COE), joined the workshop and ensured that all relevant EOD aspects will be addressed in the new version of AJP-3.8. This is an extremely important activity since the CBRN elements have to work in close coordination with EOD elements in order to properly manage an CBRN EO incident during NATO operations.
The EOD COE continues its commitment to support all the relevant Communities of Interest by providing updated information from the EOD field of expertise.
Text: MAJ Adrian PETER (ROU-A)
Photos: MAJ Adrian PETER (ROU-A)