The annual Multinational Solutions Synchronisation Conference (MSSC) 

The annual Multinational Solutions Synchronisation Conference (MSSC) was held from 4th to 6th of April 2023 in Prague, Czech Republic.
The MSSC Conference, provided defence planners with the latest developments in the NATO Defence Planning Process (NDPP), NATO Warfare Capstone Concept (NWCC) and Warfare Development Agenda (WDA). 
Mr. Vladimir VOSTIAR represented the Centre at the MSSC Conference and shared and discussed the Centre´s views and perspectives. Furthermore, MSSC attendees, representatives from nations and supporting agencies of the Alliance, discussed the visibility of current multinational projects and initiatives on future multinational endeavours. The key focus was to synchronize allied efforts for future capability development, while minimizing duplication. 

Text, photo: Mr. Vostiar

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