Integration of the Exoskeleton in the Battlefield

NATO EOD COE is leading the Integration of the Exoskeleton in the Battlefield (IEB) as a NATO project.

The project was launched in 2017 by the NATO Explosive Ordnance Disposal Centre of Excellence (EOD COE) in cooperation with the NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCIA), and financed by the Defence Against Terrorism Programme of Work (DAT POW). This project will have been completed by the end of 2019.

The main aim of this project is to help NATO and Nations to understand the technological readiness of exoskeletons for Human Performance Augmentation (EHPA) capabilities, support the formulation of minimum military requirements in this area and refinement of operational concepts.
This project focuses on organizing conferences and live demonstrations of EHPA technologies currently available in the market in order to update the technological baseline that needs to be considered in the development and maintenance of dismounted soldier capabilities and associated operational concepts, in particular for low level tactical operations to include counter-terrorism. Furthermore, Technology Readiness Level Report (further change for Technology Readiness Assessment Report) and Concept of Operations will be produced upon completion of the project.

The results of this project will help NATO and Nations to understand the technological readiness of EHPA capabilities, support the formulation of NATO Defense Planning Process (NDPP) minimum capability requirements in this area; national and multinational acquisition, if applicable, through the Smart Defence Initiative; and refinement of operational concepts.

From 15 to 17 April 2019 in Trencin, Slovakia, the EOD COE organized the 4th IEB Workshop. The workshop was divided into two parts - trials of exoskeleton and the writing session. During the trials three exoskeleton prototypes - Mawashi from Canada, Plica from Bulgaria and MechLab from Italy (Picture 1) were tested in the experimental/trial area.



Picture 1: Exoskeleton prototypes from Mawashi (Canada), Plica (Bulgaria) and MechLab (Italy)

The second part, the writing session was focused on finalizing the Minimum Military Requirement and a draft of the Exoskeleton Concept of Operation as well as presentation of the latest producers` achievements of exoskeleton solution and research of exoskeleton technology development. In the writing session participated 31 members of Exoskeleton Community of Interest from different areas of expertise (university, research laboratory, army, Ministry of Defence, industry).  

Last day of the 4th Integration of the Exoskeleton in the Battlefield Workshop the EOD COE Director expressed to all participants the gratitude for their great engagement and cooperation. 


Author: LTC Ryszard Waclawik, POL(A)