3rd Planning Meeting  to the Development of the CBRN EOD Incident Management Staff Officer Training

The EOD Subject Matter Experts from CZE, BEL, GER, HUN and POL as well as CBRN experts from the SVK CBRN battalion located in Roznava, the International Security and Emergency Management Institute and the NATO Joint Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear Defense Centre of Excellence participated in the achievements of all objectives settled for the meeting.

The dedicated working group managed to enhance course control documents in line with current NATO directives during the first in plenary.  Next tow days were scheduled for Competence Based Training and Scenario  Based Training  in order to find proper teaching methodology  and suitability  of  Chemical and Biological  EOD incidents for future students.

The Pilot CBRN EOD IM SOT will be conducted from 10th to14th October 2016 and is open to project participants and Sponsoring Nations of the EOD COE.

Author: MAJ Pavel TRUCHLY
Photo: MSG Peter BULKO

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