On 14 January 2020, the NATO EOD COE hosted the 4th MILENG ADC that was organized by the discipline’s Department Head in Trencin, Slovakia.
The SHAPE Infrastructure and Engineering/MILENG discipline Requirements Authority, Allied Command Transformation, NATO HQs, the C-IED COE and the ENSEC COE representatives participated in the
The main aim of the conference was to provide a synchronization opportunity for the stakeholders involved in the development of the MILENG discipline Education & Training (E&T).
During the 4th MILENG ADC, participants discussed NATO transformation challenges on E&T with focus on identification of existing and desired solutions to MILENG discipline performance statements/requirements.
Despite of aforementioned discussion, SHAPE Infrastructure and Engineering representative introduced to the participants the Global programming processes, stakeholder’s duty and expected future contribution to the Alliance effort in E&T.
The representatives of the NATO MILENG discipline facilitated the discipline Department Head with inputs into the MILENG Discipline Alignment Plan 2020.
At the end, Colonel CSASZAR (EOD COE director) expressed his gratitude for an exemplary relationship with the discipline Requirement Authority and Discipline Department Head.
Text: LTC Alexander HUGYAR, SVK(A)
Photo: MSGT Peter BULKO, SVK(A)