AJP 3.12 Writing Session

From 24th to 25th of January 2020, the MILENG COE organized the final writing session (WS) of AJP-3.12 — Allied Joint Doctrine for Military Engineering within their premises in Ingolstadt, Germany, in accordance with the MCJSB tasking.

LTC  Constantin EFRIM, the representative of the EOD COE, contributed to the review and elaboration of the document, especially in the field of EOD expertise.

The aim of the writing session was to continue the writing of AJP 3.12 based on the received comments to Study Draft 3 and to decide on final content of the publication before an issue of the harmonization draft.

The results of the writing session will be presented by the custodian to the 19th MILENG WG participants the following week.


Text: LTC Constantin EFRIM, ROU(A)
Photo: MILENG COE Website