EOD COE’s Delegation Visit to NSWC IHEODTD and Army Pentagon G-38 ACES

In the period of 06 to 07 August 2024, the NATO EOD COE’s delegation composed of the Director, COL Frantisek MIHALOVIC, the Head of Education and Training Department, LTC Alexander HUGYAR, Ph.D., and the Head of Transformation Support Department, MAJ Adrian PETER, had a working visit to the Naval Surface Warfare Center Indian Head Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technology Division (NSWC IHEODTD). The visit was facilitated by the Technical Project Officer, Mr. Garfield SHEALY.

The purpose of the event was to present some introductory organizational and informational briefings and to conduct a site visit of the facility. After two days of fruitful discussions, the Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) were able to find some points for further collaboration, especially in the field of technology and standardization. The EOD/IEDD VR/XR Training and Combat Support (ETACS) Project has been evaluated as being of very high importance since it brings innovative solutions for worldwide EOD technicians training.

The day of 08 August 2024 was dedicated to a working visit to Army Pentagon G-38 Adaptive C-IED/EOD (ACES) Division, facilitated by Senior EOD Program Manager, Mr. Matthew BOEHME.

The aim of the visit was to discuss some ways to increase interoperability between NATO nations, in the field of EOD and C-IED. The unique courses that the Centre is offering to NATO nations (e.g. NATO EOD SOT, NATO CBRN IM SOT, etc.), the custodianship of AJP-3.18, Allied Joint Doctrine for EOD Support to Operations, and the annual events organized for the EOD and C-IED communities of interest (e.g. Demonstrations & Trials, Workshops, etc.) are some of the NATO EOD COE’s current contribution to capabilities development. US Army EOD SMEs are within the beneficiaries of the Centre’s products, and, in the same time, they are real contributors to the EOD COE’s success.

The collaboration between the NATO EOD COE, NSWC IHEODTD and Army Pentagon G-38 ACES is will increase in the near future with the aim of developing better EOD capabilities for NATO nations.

Text: MAJ Adrian PETER (ROU-A)

Photos: NATO EOD COE Archive


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