From 09 – 18 SEP 2020, the EOD COE conducted the second iteration of NATO EOD Staff Officer Training in Trenčín, Slovakia. The course brought together EOD Subject Matter Experts from Armed Forces of NATO member states as well as Interoperability Platform countries, United Nations, EOD related industry, C-IED COE and JCBRND COE.
Despite the COVID situation, 15 students from 9 nations representing NATO, Joint Force Commands (JFC), Multinational corps and other units participated in this course. During the 2–week period, students faced to numerous briefings and practical exercises dealing with Explosive Ordnance (EO) related Risk & Threat management, EOD capabilities and limitations, as well as scenario based EOD activities in support of multinational operations.
At the end of the course, COL Róbert CSÁSZÁR, EOD COE Director (SVK-A), with LTC Alexander HUGYAR, Head of the Education and Training Department issued graduation certificates to all 15 students, who met the course completion criteria.
Special thanks goes to our Course Director CPT Martin KLUSACEK (CZE-A) and the external supporters, who made it possible despite the several travel restrictions, hygienic and other counter measures.
Photo: MSGT Peter BULKO, SVK-A