First CBRN EOD Incident Management Staff Officer Training (CBRN EO IM SOT)

From 19th June until 23rd June 2017 NATO EOD COE delivered the first iteration of the CBRN EOD Incident Management Staff Officer Training. The first iteration of the CBRN EOD IM SOT was located at the Military Garrison House, Trencin and at the National EOD and CBRN Centre's facilities in Novaky, Slovakia.

Following the last year's “pilot course” feedback and analysis, the first CBRN EOD IM SOT comprised theoretical and practical lessons combined with live demonstration.
The development and execution phase of the training was greatly supported by external expertize of instructors from Italian National CIED CoE, NATO JCBRN Defence CoE, the Czech Republic and the Slovak Armed Forces.

In total, 16 students from 11 NATO countries attended and successfully completed this training, which aims to educate/train EOD staff officers at the battalion/brigade level about CBRN EOD incident management/response procedures in multinational operations.

Author : MAJ Stefan SOPCAK, SVK(A)
Photo   : SGT Tomas KUBIK, SVK(A)

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