On 12-20 FEB 20, the Explosive Ordnance Disposal Centre of Excellence (EOD COE) conducted the NATO EOD Staff Officer Training in Trencin, Slovakia.
The course was organized under the auspices of EOD COE and brought together EOD Subject Matter Experts from Armed Forces of NATO member states as well as Interoprability Platform countries, United Nations, EOD related industry, Counter Improvised Explosive Devices Centre of Excellence (C-IED COE), Chemical, Biological Radiological and Nuclear Defence Centre of Excellence (JCBRND COE) and EOD technical information centre (EODTIC).
Colonel Robert CSASZAR, EOD COE Director (SVK-A) opened the course together with LTC Alexander HUGYAR, Head of the EOD COE´s Education and Training branch.
The event was attended by 16 students from NATO and Interoperability Platform countries (NLD, DEU, HUN, LTU, SWE, SVK, FRA, BIH, MNE), all of which successfully fulfilled the course criteria, and featured lectures on Explosive Ordnance (EO) related Risk & Threat management and EOD capabilities and limitations on multinational deployment, as well as scenario based EOD activities in support of multinational operations.
Photo: MSGT Peter BULKO SVK(A)