Northern Challenge Exercise
Initial Planning Conference 2017 (NC IPC 2017)

The exercise NORTHERN CHALLENGE is a Multi-National Bomb Disposal Exercise at the top of Europe which takes place at the Icelandic Coast Guard facility in Keflavik, Iceland. The exercise itself consists of series of conferences which purpose is to create the best conditions for the two weeks running EOD scenarios practice in Land and Maritime environment. 

In reference to NATO EOD COE POW 2017 and previous year gained experience at the NC EXER 2016, from 14 March to 16 March 2017 NATO EOD COE reinforced the preparation phase of the exercise by one EOD Subject Matter Expert (SME). 
At the NC IPC there were present 13 nations representatives (AUT, BEL, DEU, DNK, FIN, FRA, GBR, ITA, ISL, NDL, NOR, POL, USA) as well two Centres of Excellence (NATO EOD COE and C-IED COE)

 Main objectives of the NC IPC 2017 were:

  •  Challenge update with lessons learned from previous year 2016
  •  Request for training by participating nations 
  •  Threat level, terrorist capabilities and scenario 
  •  Introduction participating units and equipment 
  •  Logistical issues, Equipment transit, accommodation etc. 
  •  Planning of mini tasks and briefings to share with participants 
  •  Bomb building seminar (MPC) 
  •  Arrangement of the Distinguished Visitors’ Day (DV) 

During the conference NATO EOD COE confirmed to NC EXER directorate its  participation at the 2017 exercise  Main Planning Conference which will be graduating the EXER preparation phase in August 2017.

Author: LTC Alexander Hugyar, SVK(A)