From 06 to 09 FEB 2023, the NATO Allied Command Transformation/Joint Force Development/Education & Training Plans & Programmes Branch (ACT JFD ETPP) called for ADF/IPB I conference. The conference was conducted in Mons, Belgium.
Following the NATO’s E&T policy e.g. governance structure, development methodology and production planning process the objectives below were in the event’s agenda:
With revision of the MC 458/3, the ADF/IPB I, event incorporated the legacy of the Requirement Authority (RA) forum, the Department Head (DH) forum, and the Individual Training and Education Programming (ITEP) Planning Board (IPB). The ADF/IPB are conducted annually as a part of the management of the NATO Education, Training, Exercise, and Evaluation (ETEE) training system in which the NATO EOD COE is engaged as one of the NATO Quality Assurance accredited Education and Training Facility.
Text: LTC Alexander HUGYAR, (SVK-A)
Photo: photo archive