Initial EOD Staff Officer Training 2017

The IEODSOT was the first course organized by the EOD COE in 2017. The iteration lasted from 6 till 14 February 2017 with participation of 17 students (16 from NATO countries and 1 from Finland).

It was a reorganized iteration of the IEODSOT when an ADL pre-requisite was implemented for the first time in the history of the COE. 
There were also 6 external SMEs participating on the course (5 from NATO countries, 1 from Sweden). Their presence was highly appreciated by students.

Beside the education related to basic proficiency of the EOD Staff Officer in accordance with NATO and EU standards, one of the best benefits of that iteration was an international cooperation and effort during the simulation of the EOD support of multinational operations.

Author:  CPT Robert Niesyt, CZE(A)
Photo :  SGT Peter Bulko, SVK(A)

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