The EOD COE organized 53rd EOD WG meeting that was held in Demanovska Dolina, Slovakia, 18-21 October 2016. Aim of the meeting was information exchange on ongoing projects, review of outstanding processes and update on EOD publications.
The Centre provided update on its training activities in 2016, putting emphasize on introduction of CBRN EOD Incident Management Staff Officer Training (IM SOT) Pilot Course that run at the beginning of OCT 2016. Furthermore, observation from Northern Challenge 2016 and Bison Counter 2016, performed within the “Standards Assessment and Validation in Exercises” (SAVE) concept, were provided.
Furthermore the Centre gave summary report on “NATO EOD Demonstrations and Trials 2016” in Bratislava, Slovakia (SEP 2016), and indicated proposal to develop “Bomb Suit Requirements”. Introduction of a new subproject project ”EOD/IEDD Equipment Best Practices Catalogue” within “EOD/IEDD Technologies Catalogue” was performed too.
In line with 52nd EOD WG outcomes, to increase involvement of EOD WG in NATO Defence Planning Process (NDPP) and to provide EOD expertise in comprehensive and more effective manner, the EOD COE organized “NDPP within EOD domain” working meeting in SEP 2016. Nations acknowledged summary and outcomes of the meeting and gave mandatory to the Centre to continue representing of the EOD WG for the purposes of the NDPP in MILENG Defense Planning Advisory Group (DPAG).
Author: LTC(ret) Daniel Zoller
Photo: SGT Peter Bulko