The Counter Improvised Explosive Device Annual Discipline Conference (C-IED ADC)

With respect to Bi-075-002 Education and Training (E&T) policy, the NATO’s appointed C IED discipline Requirement Authority (RA), Department Head (DH) and representatives of the C IED related discipline Education and Training Facilities (ETF) conducted the 7th C IED ADC.

The 7th C IED ADC was held from 26 to 27 February 2020 at the C IED COE premises in Hoyo de Manzanares, Spain. In total 19 representatives contributed to the event’s aim and objectives. 

Main aim of the conference was to collect and share information on requirements and opportunities, through all Education & Training (E&T) C - IED activities, in order to provide a holistic C-IED training landscape with the final C-IED Discipline Alignment Plan (DAP) 2020.

The first part of the event’s objective was accompanied by a series of presentations/updates, where SHAPE STRENG I&E as C IED discipline RA identified existing gaps in C IED E&T.

The second objective was to update and synchronize the C IED Discipline Alignment Plan (DAP) 2019 within available E&T opportunities through the NATO particular positions from politico-military, strategic, operational and tactical level.

Aftermath of the NATO EOD COE contribution to C IED DAP 2020, LTC Alexander HUGYAR (SVK-A) updated participants of the meeting on available EOD E&T opportunities that are solutions on identified C-IED discipline performance statements.

Concluding the 7th C IED ADC, all institutions’ representatives agreed to continue developing and supporting the C IED common area by MILENG, EOD, MARITIME and Exploitation field of expertise.


Text: LTC Alexander HUGYAR, SVK(A)
Photo: C-IED COE