Slovak President Zuzana Čaputová visits the Centre

On 16 January 2020, President  of the Slovak Republic Zuzana Čaputová, accompanied by Minister of Defence of the Slovak Republic  Peter Gajdoš and Chief of Defence GEN Daniel Zmeko, during her official programme visited the NATO EOD Centre of Excellence. The distinguished guests were welcome in the premises of the COE by Director COL Róbert Császár.

After giving to the President a ceremonial report, COL Császár expressed his appreciation that Madam President was able to include the visit into her busy schedule. In the briefing room, the Director in his short presentation introduced to the guests the 10 years' history of the Centre, its main mission, projects and products, individual training and collective exercises in 2020, as well as the greatest achievements so far.

The distinguished guests were interested in future challenges of the COE and involvement as NATO Education and Training Facility to support NATO partners, especially Ukraine.

The audience appreciated the professional and skilled qualifications of COE members. The SVK CHOD promised to revisit the COE in a near future and to continue with the host nation support.

The Head of State completed her first official visit to the EOD COE by signing the Book of Honour.


Text: Anna Farkašová
Photo: MOD Slovakia 

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