The Czechoslovak Legionnaire community with the 15th Engineer regiment and the Czech Republic Police Education and Training department, Pardubice, hosted the 16th International meeting of EOD and bomb technicians (INMEP) 2019. The conference was held from 03 June to 07 June 2019 in the South Bohemia, the Czech Republic.
Aim of the INMEP 2019 was to share knowledge, experience and Technics Tactics and Procedures from recent EOD incidents as well as to introduce latest developments in EOD related area.
As a matter of the EOD COE activities, EOD COE used an opportunity to brief the INMEP 2019 participants about the Centre’s project “Integration of the Exoskeleton in the Battlefield”. In addition, all of the INMEP 2019 participants were invited for the upcoming NATO EOD COE Workshop that will be held from 24 September to 26 September 2019 in Trencin, Slovakia.
The meeting brought together 174 EOD technicians and other Subject Matter Experts dealing with explosive hazards from Armed Forces, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Justice and industry. Twenty-eight foreign participants came from Germany, the United States, Great Britain, Ireland, Denmark, Iraq, Slovakia and the Netherlands.
Text: CPT Martin Klusáček, CZE(A)