18th NATO MILENG Working Group Meeting

COL Császár, the director NATO EOD COE, together with LTC Jankura from Transformation Support Department, participated in the 18th NATO MILENG Working Group meeting held in Rome, Italy from 10 to 14 JUN 2019.

Aim of the meeting was information exchange, review of ongoing tasks and update on MILENG related publications.

Main topic of the meeting was the way forward about Allied Joint Doctrine for Military Engineering (AJP 3.12). The doctrine is in a review process since last year. The study draft 2 is currently circulated among Nations and NATO bodies. Representatives of SHAPE Infrastructure and Engineering Division proposed to stop working on the Doctrine review and start from the beginning, what was not accepted by the nations that were present at WG. The revision process will thus continue as originally planned – holding the third writing session in September 2019 in the premises of MILENG COE.

The event was very beneficial for the MILENG community of interest, including the EOD subject matter experts. The next NATO MILENG WG meeting will be held in Ingolstadt, Germany in January 2020.   


Text: LTC Milan Jankura, SVK(A)
Photo: official photo