20th Military Engineering Working Group

The EOD COE delegation represented by LTC Alexander HUGYÁR, CPT Ján BAK and COL(ret) Peter DUDRA participated in the 20th NATO MILENG Working Group meeting in the period 24-25 February 2021.

Due to the COVID-19 circumstances, the meeting was held as a video teleconference using the WebEx platform. The EOD COE Director COL Róbert CSÁSZÁR  joined and supported the HoD on specific topics.

The aim of MILENG WG was to improve military engineering capabilities within the NATO capability development framework. The MILENG WG encompasses all Doctrine, Organization, Training, Materiel, Leadership, Personnel, Facilities and Interoperability domains of MILENG and  focused on integrating operational standards, doctrine, training, procedures, terminology, armaments and equipment in order to ensure complete and sustainable MILENG capabilities.

The members of the EOD COE via Liaison Report presented Centre`s training activities provided an update of the NATO project “NATO Demonstrations and Trials 2021” , as well as the update of the 8th EOD Workshop organized  by EOD COE as an online event in the period of 05-06 May 2021. 

The event was very beneficial for the EOD Community of Interest. The next WG meeting will be held in Ingolstadt, Germany from 14 to 18 June 2021. 


Text: COL(ret) Peter DUDRA
Photo: NSO