49th Explosive Ordnance Disposal Inter-Service Working Group Meeting

The 49th annual EOD WG meeting was held from 9th December till 12th December 2014 under auspices of the Bosna and Herzegovina Counter Mine Training Centre which is located in Sarajevo. During working group in total 18 NATO and PfP nations took part, including NATO EOD COE and MILENG COE representatives.

The aim of the EOD WG meeting was to continue development of the proposed EOD doctrine, identify exercises which present opportunities for evaluation standards, review 2014 - 2015 Programme of Work indicating responsibility for action and timelines, and last but not least evaluate ongoing STANAG review cycle. In accordance with the EOD WG approved agenda the NATO EOD COE Subject Matter Experts informed NATO EOD community about the last NATO EOD Demonstrations and Trials event, EOD terminology update and EOD Lessons Learned database.

In general, finally the EOD WG participants agreed to enhance NATO interoperability effort via focus on not only specific EOD standards but as well by contribution to Allied Joined Publications, related to EOD matters.

Author: MAJ Alexander HUGYAR, SVK-A
Photo: 1LT Mirsad ALIBEGOVIC, BiH-A