5th Military Engineering Annual Discipline Conference 

With respect to NATO’s Global programming principles, the NATO’s appointed MILENG discipline Requirement Authority (RA), Department Head (DH) and representatives of the MILENG discipline Education and Training Facilities (ETF) conducted the 5th MILENG ADC.

The 5th MILENG ADC was virtually hosted on 25 JAN 2021 by MILENG COE, Ingolstadt, Germany. In a digital space, there were linked together 45 representatives around the world e.g. NATO HQ, several COEs and National MILENG institutions. 

Main aim of the 5th MILENG ADC was to collect and share information on requirements and opportunities, through all Education & Training (E&T) MILENG activities, in order to provide a holistic MILENG training landscape with the final MILENG Discipline Alignment Plan (DAP) 2021.

The first part of the event’s objective was accompanied by series of presentations/updates from SHAPE, ACO, ACT and ETFs. During this part COL Robert CSASZAR, NATO EOD COE director and LTC Alexander HUGYAR provided an update to the MILENG community of interest   about EOD E&T activities 2020. In general, MILENG community agreed that the last 2020 year was challenging for ETF as if the COVID 19 restrained delivery of the scheduled residential courses.

Wrap up the first part, there was recognized that the theoretical lectures delivery could be enhanced by innovative technologies via Advanced Distributed Learning. From the EOD perspective, COL Robert CSASZAR welcomed this idea with respect to EOD skills that cannot be obtained by particular course student within training him/or her in the EOD specific environment.

The second part of the MILENG ADC was to update and synchronize the MILENG  Discipline Alignment Plan (DAP) 2021 within available E&T opportunities through the NATO particular positions from politico-military, strategic, operational and tactical level.

Concluding the 5th MILENG ADC, COL Bert KEIJ, SHAPE Infrastructure and Engineering  (MILENG RA) and   Colonel Thorsten LUDWIG, MILENG COE Director (MILENG DH) encouraged participants of the meeting to be focused on Collective Training and Exercises that details will be summarized into the final MILENG DAP 2021.;


Text  : LTC Alexander HUGYAR, SVK A