The 7th EOD WS was held in Trencin, Slovakia in the period of 24-26 SEP 2019. This workshop was an indirect continuum of the EOD LL seminars and workshops organized by the EOD COE since 2012.
The event was open to a wide spectrum of the Subject Matter Experts from NATO and Interoperability Platform Countries what resulted in participation of 80 delegates from 17 nations and 27 international entities representing a significant number of military specialists, producers, and academics.
The 7th EOD WS consisted of four focused blocks developing the topics/projects as follows:
The delivered presentations, video conference and scheduled syndicate sessions were well received and appreciated as valuable entries or further development to benefit the EOD Comunity of Interest. The final report will be prepared in due time. In addition, fruitful networking and earned trust will serve as a solid foundation for further cooperation and as well for projecting of next WS to be organized by the EOD COE in 2021.
Text: Vojtech Fuček, LTC(ret)
Photo: MSGT Peter Bulko, SVK(A)