Military Personnel of the Centre in the Command of Testing Teams

The government of Slovak Republic declared the state of emergency and adopted further measures to avoid spreading of coronavirus among inhabitants of the SR on 1 October 2020 with the validity for 45 days. Following the measure, the operation “Common Responsibility” was launched under the lead of Ministry of Defence.
The aim is to test the entire population, with the exception of children under 10. The results of the rapid antigen testing are delivered within 30 minutes.
Defence Minister Jaroslav Naď, who had been put in charge of the operation, said it is the Slovak army’s „biggest logistical operation“. The physical testing is to be conducted during the weekends 31OCT-01NOV and 07-08NOV 2020. In accordance with the MOUs, the COE was asked to support the operation by detachment of military personnel and their assignment to posts of Testing Team commanders. All available SVK soldiers were assigned to the COVID-19 testing teams within the Trenčín county, proudly supported the Operation and flawlessly represented the NATO EOD COE. 


Text  : LTC Milan JANKURA, SVK-A

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