How to properly plan, prepare, command, control and coordinate EOD operations within multinational operation at battalion and brigade level of command? Not only these questions, but much more was explained and exercised during the NATO EOD Staff Officer Training (SOT) course which was organized by the NATO EOD COE and hosted by Military Engineering and CBRN Training Centre in Wroclaw, Poland from the 08 APR to 19 APR 2024.
The course was executed with the assistance of Subject Matter Experts from
15th Engineer regiment Bechyne (CZE), 905th SCSC Novaky (SVK), CIED COE Madrid (ESP), JCBRND COE Vyskov (CZE), JISR Institute Prostejov (CZE), LNAF TRADOC Adazi (LVA), MILENG&CBRN Training Centre Wroclaw (POL), NFIU Bratislava (SVK), TPO-EOD Fort Gregg-Adams (USA) and UNMAS New York (USA).
The NATO EOD SOT course was attended by 17 participants from 11 NATO and Interoperability Platform countries – Australia (1), Belgium (1), Canada (1), the Czech Republic (2), Finland (1), Germany (1), Hungary (2), Netherlands (1), Poland (3), Slovakia (3) and the USA (1). During the two weeks’ period, students faced to theoretical lectures, numerous briefings and practical exercises dealing with Explosive Ordnance related Risk & Threat management, EOD capabilities and limitations, as well as scenario-based EOD training.
All trainees fulfilled the criteria, completed successfully the course and received graduation certificates at the end of the course. In students’ evaluation feedbacks, the graduates of the NATO EOD SOT course expressed satisfaction with the content of the course as well as high quality of the course execution.
Text: CPT Robert Braun, CZE (A)
Photo: MSGT Peter Bulko, SVK (A)