EOD COE at the 4th C-IED Technology Workshop in Madrid

The fourth edition of the C-IED Technology Workshop, held in cooperation with NATO Emerging Security Challenges Division was focused on Counter-unmanned Aircraft Systems (C-UAS) solutions for IED incidents, advanced standoff detection, technical exploitation and C-IED threat mitigation as centric topics. There were presented also holistic technology and R&D approach considering all IED systems, which included defeating the device (detection, neutralization and mitigation), attacking the threat networks and preparing forces against current and emerging IED threats.

The aim of the event was to facilitate the communication among Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) including military, industry and academic communities from NATO and non-NATO countries in order to exchange best practices, highlight new technologies and develop the requirements to stay ahead of the rapidly evolving IED threat.

Six panels, chaired by recognized SMEs, gave a space for discussion emerging as a result of lectures. Each discussion panel proposed viable solutions to the main shortfalls concerning C-IED fight and particularly those requiring technological developments. Moreover, attendees had also the opportunity to receive direct information  about current and future proposals to facilitate C-IED capability enhancing from companies in-site in the exibition area.

LTC Waclawik, POL(A), head of Technology Dept of the EOD COE, presented the Exoskeleton in the Battlefield project, while MAJ Cahojova and Ms Farkasova set up a booth in the exhibition area and presented the Centre providing attendees of the workshop with information about its work, education and training activities, projects, as well as the future NATO EOD Demonstrations and Trials 2020 event.


Author: Anna Farkašová
Photo : MAJ Zuzana Čahojová (SVK-A)


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