To support and contribute to the NATO Defence Planning Process (NDPP) and to bridge the gaps of Explosive Ordnance Disposal Centre of Excellence (EOD COE), the Subject Matter Expertise in Capability Requirements, on 22 February 2022 the NATO EOD COE held an internal Defence Planning (DP) meeting with the Centre’s Subject Matter Experts (SMEs).
The fruitful discussions with the EOD COE SMEs brought up new proposals for EOD related Capability Codes and Capability Statements (CC&CS).
SMEs identified that some requirements and capabilities described in the NATO Standards, e.g. EOD Principles and Minimum Standards of Proficiency (AEODP-10) might have an effect on how relevant Capability Codes should be defined during the ongoing process of CC&CS review.
Outcomes and proposals from the Centre´s internal DP meeting will be submitted to the Allied Command Transformation Staff Element Europe Capability Code Managers and proposals will be subsequently discussed with a Military Engineering (MILENG) community during the Military Engineering Defence Planning Advisory Group (MILENG DPAG) meetings.
The EOD COE is a permanent member of the MILENG DPAG established under the NATO Senior Joint Engineer Conference (NSJEC).
Text and photo : Mr Vladimír Voštiar