Handover-takeover of the Deputy Branch Head at Education and Training branch

Since AUG 2009, the NATO EOD COE position of Deputy Branch Head at Education and Training (E&T) branch is assigned to the Czech Republic, one of the COE Sponsoring Nation. They provide an experienced and educated subject matter expert from their national pool of EOD capabilities.

After three years, the latest Czech representative CPT Martin Klusacek successfully completed his tour at the E&T branch position that lasted from AUG 2018 to JUL 2021. CPT Martin Klusacek as the NATO EOD COE Subject Matter Expert exemplary conducted his duties, shared his knowledge and skills in the field of EOD expertise. 

Moreover, CPT Klusacek as an appointed Course Director of NATO EOD Staff Officer Training maintained and significantly improved the course that is certified as “NATO Approved”. His innovative approach to update education of NATO EOD staff officers resulted in 67 graduates from 14 NATO and 3 Interoperability platform countries.

Upon conclusion of CPT Klusacek's assignment to COE, the responsibilities of the Deputy BH at E&T branch has been taken over by his successor CPT Robert Braun, CZE-A.


Text and photo: LTC Alexander HUGYAR, SVK A