Homemade Explosive Trials 2022

Based on ambition to continuously improve the Education and Training deliverables, from 17 OCT to 21 OCT 2022, the NATO EOD COE organized a so called Homemade Explosive Trials (HME Trials).
This year, the HME Trials event was held at the premises of Munition testing center Novaky (SVK). The HME Trials were supported not only by the assistance of the 905th Center of Specialized combat support (SVK), but also by contribution of the 15th Engineer Regiment (CZE) and the University of Pardubice (CZE) representatives.
Within the five days period, Subject Matter Experts were dealing with: 
•    preparation of the selected HMEs,
•    testing of the HMEs effects and characteristics,
•    investigating the final products effects on target,
•    application and functioning of the 3D printed munitions as Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) with utilization of HMEs, military explosive payloads.

The HME Trials provided a platform to test a wide range of HMEs, which EOD operators are countering. Moreover, outcomes of the HME Trials will help to enhance the curriculum of the Centre's Homemade Explosives Course Basic and Advanced (HMEC-B and HMEC-A).

Photo: NATO EOD COE archive

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