HomeMade Explosives Advanced (Operations) Course delivery

Aim of the course targeted EOD/IEDD audience in detection, identification, processing of the HMEs associated with their chemicals, precursors and reactions when there are prepared in illicit laboratories. The daily rhythm of the event was generally split into two parts. During the 1st part - classroom lectures, 12 participants from two countries (Czech Republic, Slovakia) were educated in HME characteristics, hazard, mitigation and handling in safe manner. The 2nd part of the course – practical exploitation was focused on processing with Home Made Explosives. Over the course 2nd part attendees were split into working groups in which each was obliged to deal with the predefined scenarios like Nitrates, Chlorates, Peroxides and SSE – Sensitive Search Exploitation Scenario. To facilitate teams with the latest, used equipment in EOD community the training was reinforced by Alluviam, Thermo Scientific and Quinetiq cooperation. The contributed partners supported training audience with HazMaster G-3 database (Alluviam); First Defender and True Defender detection and identification assets (Thermo Scientific) and Remotely Operated Vehicles mark Talon and Dragon Flyer (QuinetiQ). The course culminated with the written test and practical examination where all 12 attendees proved course graduation criteria. After course evaluation process the same product will be handled to NATO EOD/IEDD family from 9 SEPT till 13 SEPT 2013.

Author: MAJ Alexander Hugyar

Photo: CPT Igor Jamrich