IEOD SOT, 15-26 October 2012

Eleven officers from five NATO nations (BEL, FRA, POL, SLO, and SVK) attended the Training at the MGH (Military Garrison House) in Trencin. During the opening speech COL Jaroslav Bieleny, the NATO EOD COE Director highlighted the unique role of the qualified EOD officer serving as a tool to increase units force protection and manoeuvrability, in line with the commanders’ operational intent.

The two weeks training marked with sharing knowledge and experience of the NATO EOD COE SMEs (Subject Matter Expert) culminated with a practical part during which the trainees, following the EOD standardization and experience from recent EOD operations, performed essential responsibilities at the battalion NPOCEOD (National Point of Contact EOD) and brigade MNEDOCC (Multinational EOD Coordination Cell) structure. The mission of the I EOD SOT is to enhance the idea of interoperability in command and control, coordination, cooperation and advising when the EOD officers working in multinational deployment. At the end all of the attendees met successfully all requirements for graduation and thus they received from the NATO EOD COE director the certificate of training completion and a dedicated insignia.

Author: MAJ Alexander HUGYAR