Individual Training and Education Program (ITEP) Planning Board (IPB I) is one of the NATO led conferences, where NATO and its Education and Training Facilities (ETF) clarify individual training through NATO’s military disciplines.
The IPB I Conference was hosted by NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence (ENSEC COE) Vilnius, Lithuania, from 21 May to 23 May 2019.
Total 55 participants attended the event, including representatives from NATO HQs, U.S. NAVAL postgraduate studies school and 17 NATO COE representatives.
As the NATO EOD COE is one of the NATO accredited ETF, LTC Alexander Hugyar, Head of EOD Education and Training Department, took part in the event.
All of the conference speakers’ inputs were focused on these conference subjects:
• To facilitate NATO Education and Individual Training (E&IT) Production Planning Process (PPP) by providing a forum for the stakeholders to discuss related issues
• To clarify and share common topics, best practices among identified DH
• To coordinate interdisciplinary issues among military discipline DH
During the event, there were revised NATO’s Education and Training processes of the Global Programming and explained some of the NATO HQs organizational challenges.
Participants of the conference highlighted that the transformation challenges should drive an update of the MC 458/3 Military Committee Directive on Education, Training, Exercises and Evaluation (ETEE) with the related directives to Education & Individual Training and Collective Training & Exercises.
Using the DH platform, Military Engineering discipline DH with the NATO EOD COE representative agreed to host the 2020 MILENG Annual Discipline Conference at the NATO EOD COE premises in Trencin, Slovakia.
Text: LTC Alexander Hugyar, SVK(A)
Photo: NATO HQ photo archive