LANDCOM COEs Exploration Meeting, Izmir, Turkey 

The aim of this venue was to get as many as possible NATO COEs and Partner Training Centers together and let them briefing the LANDCOM functional areas´ representatives on what the COEs & PTECs may offer and most importantly to address what the LANDCOM can expect and require from these T&E and expertise full institutions, including their capabilities in Concept, Doctrine, Experimentation, LL and beyond.

Organizing such exploration meeting the LANDCOM made a huge step into right direction even before reaching IOC and it overcame the ACO and its subordinated commands “negligence” persisting since the establishment of the first NATO COE (JAPCC in 2005) by showing no appropriate interests into the use of the NATO COEs´ capabilities and expertise. The meeting generated number of LANDCOM´s Requests for Support, which will be included into respective COEs POW 2014.

Author: COL Jaroslav Bielený

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