Military Engineering Annual Discipline Conference (MILENG ADC) 2019

Referring to the guidance provided by the  Bi-SC 075-002 “Education and Training Policy” and the NATO’s appointed MILENG discipline Requirement Authority (RA), Department Head (DH) and dedicated stakeholders on  MILENG Global Programming, involved representatives of the MILENG discipline conducted the 3rd MILENG ADC. The conference was held on 28th JAN 2019 at the MILENG COE premises in Ingolstadt, DEU. 

Aim of the MILENG ADC was to provide a reflection on main achievements and the way ahead in the sustainment of the MILENG Discipline Alignment Plan (DAP). As the NATO EOD COE is a recognized institution by the NATO Military Committee, the NATO EOD COE supported the revision of the MILENG DAP specialized EOD area. During a discussion about available Education and Training, the NATO EOD COE was refreshing information about on place Education and Training products. Moreover, the EOD COE “NATO APPROVED” certified courses for an EOD staff officer were recorded in MILENG DAP. The NATO EOD SOT and the NATO CBRN EOD IM SOT deliverables have been accepted as solutions on NATO Command and NATO Force structure current performance statements.

Author: LTC Alexander HUGYAR, SVK A