From October 14th to 18th, 2024, NATO EOD COE organized NATO CBRN EOD Incident Management Staff Officer Training (CBRN EOD IM SOT) in Trencin and Novaky, Slovakia. The NATO CBRN EOD IM SOT consisted of theoretical lessons, practical exercises, and live demonstrations. The course aims to train/educate students in managing CBRN EOD incidents up to the brigade staff level during multinational operations and provide expert advice to the operational commanders on CBRN EOD-related matters. The development and execution of NATO CBRN EOD IM SOT were greatly supported by the expertise of instructors from NATO JCBRN Defence COE in the Czech Republic, Belgian EOD Group, Slovak 103. CBRN Battalion and 901. Centre for Specialized Combat Support. In total, 15 students from NATO and non-NATO countries (CZE, GEO, HUN, NLD, POL, ROU, SVK) attended the course. All of them successfully completed the training and fulfilled the Education and Individual Training student’s assessment criteria embedded in the NATO EOD COE Quality Assurance policy.
Text: MAJ Mark VLNKA (SVK-A)
Photo: Jaroslav LACKO (SVK-CIV)